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EARTHCHAT - Soldiering on with flies for the environment

This Tuesday at 12noon on SeymourFM, Marie and Tim will be talking to  Phoebe Gardner from Bardee about their developments in using black soldier flies to transform very large amounts of food waste into protein, animal feed and fertilizer. Part of a truly circular economy.

Bardee claim that their vertical farming system feeds and nurtures soldier flies through their natural growth phases and in their Grow Labs, larvae grow 3000x in size in just 7 days eating only food waste with no added water required. Larvae are processed into a high quality insect protein for pet food and animal feed & the castings become a nutrient-rich organic fertiliser.

As well as producing very useful products this diverts large amounts of waste that would otherwise be going to landfill. This is a very positive project for the environment.

Join us 12noon, Tuesday 16th April. The show will be repeated on 103.9 SeymourFM at 8am on Saturday. Click here for Seymour FM's website

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