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Updated: Dec 15, 2022

16 Dec 2022:

The First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria invite all Victorians to join them on the journey to Treaty for this State. “Treaty is a journey best taken together”.

The invitation has been issued: “Please walk with us”.

What makes a good ally in this process - how can we non indigenous Australians help?

We can start by joining the ‘Team Treaty’ mailing list so we can listen to the stories of First Nations’ people, and learn more about their struggles and achievements. And, importantly, provide support in response to their calls to action.

Join Ruth and Phil as they explore what it is to be a good ally, ways we can bring this about, and the latest news from the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria, including the results of a poll released at the end of November showing a 20% increase in support for Treaty-making continues to build amongst both First Nations people and the general population across Australia.

Also the latest evidence presented this week in the Yoorrook Justice Commission examining the harm the justice and child protection systems continue to inflict on First Peoples. “No more excuses when it comes to reforms like raising the age of criminal responsibility, we need urgent action so no more ten year old children are thrown into prison” The Co-Chair of the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria, Aunty Geraldine Atkinson declares as part of her evidence.

Join us for this important conversation.

Further information about the Treaty process in Victoria:

And, for the results of this week’s Yoorrook Justice Commission hearings:

Tune in to BEAM's radio program EarthChat each Friday on Seymour FM at 10am.

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