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EARTHCHAT: Investing in women's health, wellbeing and gender equality

Updated: Mar 19, 2022

18 & 19 March 2022:

Ruth’s guest is Amanda Kelly, CEO Women’s Health Goulburn North East

Last week the CEOs of Victoria’s 12 women’s health services, along with Rainbow Health Australia, called for an immediate uplift in investment to secure the health and wellbeing of Victorian women, following the release of alarming data which shows Victorian women have gotten sicker, more anxious and depressed since the commencement of the COVID19 pandemic.

COVID brought with it an opportunity for us see more clearly the weaknesses in our systems of government, exposing the many disadvantaged and marginalised groups in our society both in Victoria and globally. Instead of seeing this exposé as an opportunity to upgrade services with increased funding; secure housing; enough food to eat; and safety from violence - we and our governments turned away enabling a serious depletion in support services.

Women’s Health Goulburn North East “Women across our region live the impact of chronic and ongoing under- investment in their health, wellbeing and gender equality everyday. COVID-19 has decimated women’s health and wellbeing, and gender inequality persists in northeast Victoria and the Goulburn Valley. Without dedicated investment in our services and primary prevention, the health and wellbeing of women in our region will continue to decline,” CEO Amanda Kelly concluded. Women’s Health Goulburn North East (WHGNE) is a proudly feminist organisation, supporting the creation of equal, just and resilient communities that lead change towards women’s empowerment, women’s health, the prevention of violence against women and ultimately, gender equality, in rural and regional Victoria.

Amanda Kelly, Chief Executive Officer Amanda’s work is about looking at the context in which an organisation operates and creating a plan to achieve the organisation’s vision. She works within a community context where human rights are upheld, the underprivileged are nourished, asylum seekers are provided with a haven and minorities find a voice. She sees this as a place where creativity thrives and much is made out of very little.

If we lift up the underserved people in our community the whole community is lifted up!

EarthChat on 103.9 Seymour FM on Friday at 10am, repeated on Saturday at 8am.

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