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EARTHCHAT: Treaty for Victoria

Updated: Jun 3, 2022

On this last day of Reconciliation Week, Ruth and Phil welcome back Leanne Miller, Rebecca Welsh, and Levi Power who bring the latest news on the Treaty journey.

The First People’s Assembly of Victoria is the independent and democratically elected body to represent Traditional Owners and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Victoria.

Leanne Miller is the North East Representative of the People’s Assembly. Rebecca Welsh is the North East engagement project office, and Levi Power is the North East Acting Engagement Lead/Engagement Project Officer. We hope that the new North East delegate, Travis Morgan, will be able to join us as well.

For 230 years, Australia has been one of the only Commonwealth nations without a Treaty with its First Peoples.

In Victoria, times are changing. After years of tireless advocacy from Aboriginal leaders, Victoria is the first state to progress Treaty discussions. In March 2018 The Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews committed the State Government to discussing Treaty with Aboriginal People and Communities. The Aboriginal Treaty Working Group was formed the following July (2018). And the Aboriginal Community began Treaty discussions in December of 2018.

The First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria is the voice for Aboriginal communities across the state and is made up of proud Aboriginal leaders. All are Victorian Traditional Owners, elected and appointed by their communities.

We’ll hear the latest news about the recent North East by-election, electing Travis Morgan. And the Assembly’s Chamber Program on June 9 - 10. Plus, how the Yoo-rrook Justice Commission’s truth-telling process is progressing as it hears First Peoples’ stories that will become the official record of the impact of colonisation on First Peoples in Victoria is established. The Commission will then make detailed recommendations about practical actions and reforms needed in Victoria.

Coming up next month is Naidoc Week, July 3 - 10. Everyone is invited to Stand Up, Show Up’! Go to their website: to discover the many events and opportunities to celebrate this country's indigenous culture.

First Peoples Assembly:

Tune in to BEAM's radio program EarthChat each Friday on Seymour FM at 10am or to the repeat on Saturday at 8am.

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