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12&13 Nov:

2030Yea is a Community Energy group barely 12 months old, but very active.

Co-founder Elaine Furniss joins Peter Lockyer on EarthChat this week to look at the origins of the group, their strategies and the community support required for Yea to have 100% renewable energy by 2030. They are a very active group with success that makes some neighbouring community energy groups somewhat envious [and inspired].

This is the energy transition to get us to net zero emissions before 2050, if only the federal government was interested.

EarthChat on 103.9 Seymour FM on Friday at 10am, repeated on Saturday at 8am and also podcast.

Listen up and get fired up.

Tune in to BEAM's radio program EarthChat each Friday on Seymour FM at 10am or to the repeat on Saturday at 8am.

Time to tune in, listen up and get active EarthChatters!

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