Friday 7 May 10am and Saturday 8 May 8am:
Farm Forestry Field Day 16 May
RSVP essential (by 10 May) and for more details:
Rita Seethaler, 0411 168 840,
In the wake of the Victorian State Government decision to cease logging in native forests by 2030, attention has shifted to examining alternatives for the transition from native forest logging to alternative sources of hardwood timber. In parallel, consideration is being given to the transition of employment in the native forest logging industry to other sectors of the economy.
One alternative that is being considered, to meet both objectives, is to increase the extent of Farm Forestry on marginal agricultural land in the region.
Tony Richardson is one of the organisers of a Farm Forestry Field Day in the Murrindindi Shire, from the Home Creek-Spring Creek Landcare Group near Yarck on Sunday 16 May.
Tony joins EarthChat and we discuss some challenges but opportunities in this transition.
Tony Richardson, owner of the Kanumbra property, will give the background as to why he decided to get involved in Farm Forestry, including its use as a superannuation investment, its value in sequestering carbon dioxide and related economic opportunity under the Federal Emissions Reduction Fund and as a source of high-quality hardwood timber.
Tony leads us to a bigger conversation.
Murrindindi Climate Network and Home Creek - Spring Creek Landcare group are running a Farm Forestry Field Day, to be held on an existing farm forestry site in Kanumbra (on Hodsons Lane, past Yarck) on Sunday 16 May from 1pm – 3pm.
This event will give attendees the opportunity to see first-hand what farm forestry entails, and to hear about the reasons for, and the methods employed in, establishing a Farm Forest.
Four speakers on the day will give an overview of the issues involved in Farm Forestry while leaving plenty of time for questions and for wandering among the trees.
Tony Richardson (owner of the Kanumbra property) will give the background as to why he decided to get involved in Farm Forestry.
Clinton Tepper (Director, Just Add Trees) will describe the planning process for a Farm Forest.
John Woodley (Director Farm Forestry Services) will explain the procedures involved in maintenance of the plantation.
Agronomist Philippa Noble (owner of Brimin Lodge at Rutherglen, board member of Farm Forestry North East and former DPI officer developing and implementing the NE Firewood Strategy) will explore some of the other benefits of Farm Forestry.
There’s more to this conversation than sawlogs and this EarthChat program is a good snapshot.
EarthChat with Peter and David and Tony Richardson and Farm Forestry on marginal agricultural land in the region on 103.9 Seymour FM
EarthChat on 103.9 Seymour FM on Friday at 10am, repeated on Saturday at 8am
Listen up and get fired up.
