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EARTHCHAT: NAIDOC Week - A celebration of First Nations peoples and culture

Updated: Jul 15, 2022

Its NAIDOC week, and there's lots to get excited about, to learn about and to share with our First Nations friends.

Hear Rob Bundle, a First Nations friend of Peter Lockyer for over 30 years, from Geelong days in the late 80s, as they discuss a range of issues. Rob is a noted musician, and a dreamer and good for a yarn. A perfect guest in NAIDOC week 2022.

NAIDOC Week is a time to celebrate First Nations peoples and culture. However this should be an ongoing practice, particularly when approaching decisions about our land. And maybe it’s time we listened to mob about how we address the impacts of climate change.

Carissa Lee, First Nations and Public Policy Editor with The Conversation, sets the scope of the challenges, and the opportunities:

“If more Australians take an Indigenous perspective on the environment and respect First Nations cultural practices, it would inspire more responsibility for caring for our land and ultimately help everyone. Examples include cultural burning, which has proven to be an effective way to prevent catastrophic bushfires, and First Nations ways of farming, which don’t damage and degrade the land.”

Our long and painful history of not having First Nations knowledges valued, or even their voices heard, has led to catastrophes such as the destruction of significant cultural sites including the caves at Juukan Gorge. Recognising Indigenous Knowledge is central to this EarthChat program.

From the Statement from the Heart, to Mabo, 30 years on, how does Rob Bundle look back on this judgement, and what does Mabo mean today? How does a First Nations grandfather view these?

Across the board, Australia has lost out in not recognising its Aboriginal roots, and a cultural richness that ALL Australians can benefit from. But things are on the move in Victoria: the Truth telling process and the process for a Treaty.

Join Rob Bundle with Peter Lockyer on EarthChat this Friday at 10am then 8am Saturday if you like the repeats!

EarthChat - it’s a good conversation for the weekend.

EarthChat on 103.9 Seymour FM this Friday at 10am, and repeated at 8am on Saturday.

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