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EARTHCHAT: Partners in Conservation

Updated: Mar 31, 2023

So-called retirement for many of us offers us freedom to spend more time pursuing our passions. For Peter Mitchell and Barbara Moss theirs is spent in the service of conserving and protecting the natural world, along with the joy of simply having more time to spend together in nature.

Barb has also been exploring opportunities to conserve our railway heritage and as a result of volunteering for the Seymour Railway Heritage Centre she has been going on some wonderfully interesting train trips.

Peter has been working on a new version of the 'Natural Treasures’ leaflet to allow us to further explore Mitchell Shire’s precious natural reserves and wonders. Peter will give us the scoop on these new offerings on EarthChat this week prior to publication.

The latest IPCC March Report is a sobering reminder that we all have a part to play in preventing the planet from going beyond the 1.5 Centigrade of global heating. At all costs, we must avoid a significantly worsening climate crisis.

Join Ruth, Peter and Barb in a conversation about ways we can all be part of the solution to the climate crisis. We can always make a meaningful contribution locally and globally, at whatever age and stage we’re at. We need to make sure though that we spend sufficient time in nature to keep a balanced perspective, and this means allowing enough time to explore and experience the many remarkable natural discoveries that await our attention and care.


Peter, has a PhD in zoology, and years of experience in ecology and land management, and in his retirement he continues to work with other volunteers to restore land to its natural state wherever possible.


Barbara retired 2 years ago from community health and has a long standing interest in community and the environment. She and Peter have worked together on community environmental projects over many years. Barbara has also taken on a volunteering role with the Seymour Railway Heritage Centre – working on administrative tasks as well as helping out on the heritage train tours throughout Victoria.

Photo created by: Thomas Wolter

Tune in to BEAM's radio program EarthChat each Friday on Seymour FM at 10am, repeated at 8am Saturday, and return to this page for a link to the podcast after the program.

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