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EARTHCHAT: Partnerships in disaster prevention, management, and recovery

Updated: Jun 10, 2023

Ruth’s guest, Amanda Kelly, CEO Women’s Health Goulburn North East (WHGNE) returns to EarthChat to fill us in on their current projects to support women, and all genders including gender diverse folk in our region.

Women’s Health Goulburn North East collaborates with a range of services and organisations around the region to create partnerships in innovative projects uniquely tailored to the needs and aspirations of women in regional and rural Victoria.

Last time Amanda was with us we looked at their bushfire and Covid recovery process to support women and all others in the region. Since then, floods have impacted us, bringing additional challenges and pressures. WHGNE in collaboration with ‘Australia reMADE’ have created a research project to particularly focus on Care Through Disaster.

Whether it’s climate impacts like fire and flood or a global pandemic, disaster is no longer unprecedented. So what do we need to do to care for each other well – before, during and after a disaster? What’s needed to keep our communities safe and thriving in a disaster-prone world.

Amanda will also bring us up to speed on research into ‘Gender and Disaster’, a project with Women’s Health in the North, (WHIN), in partnership with Monash University Disaster Resilience Initiative (MUDRI).

Plus, Gendered Data and Planning in Local Government, a resource to demonstrate the value of sex-disaggregated data, by applying a gender lens, highlights priority areas for men, women and gender-diverse people, specific to our region.

Incorporating gender as a key consideration in health and wellbeing planning will prepare local government to meet their new requirements under the GENDER EQUALITY ACT 2020.

Join us to hear about these important regional updates and the great work that’s being done by Women’s Health Goulburn North East and their Partners.

If we lift up the underserved people in our community the whole community is lifted up!

Amanda Kelly Chief Executive Officer

Amanda’s (she/her) work is about looking at the context in which an organisation operates and creating a plan to achieve the organisation’s vision. She works within a community context where human rights are upheld, the underprivileged are nourished, asylum seekers are provided with a haven and minorities find a voice. She sees this as a place where creativity thrives and much is made out of very little.

Tune in to BEAM's radio program EarthChat each Friday on Seymour FM at 10am, repeated at 8am Saturday, and return to this page for a link to the podcast after the program.

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