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EARTHCHAT: Recently retired Senator Janet Rice reflects on Gaza, climate action and other issues

Janet Rice marked the end of her Parliamentary career by riding from Canberra to Melbourne

Our guest on Tuesday’s EarthChat is the former Greens Senator,  Janet Rice. For over 40 years, Janet has been a campaigner for people and the planet, including campaigning against trucks in residential areas, campaigning for forest protection, being a founder of the Greens in Victoria and being a Senator in the Australian Parliament for the last 10 years. She was the Greens spokesperson on Foreign Affairs, Social and Community Services, Forests and LGBTIQ issues among others. She was also the co-convenor the Australian Parliamentary Friends of Palestine Group, and the Parliamentary Friends of Tibet.


Janet joins Tim Budge and Peter Lockyer Tuesday lunchtime to discuss a range of topics including the importance of Palestinian solidarity as a social justice issue, her reflections on her achievements as a Senator and campaigner on important causes, and her plans for life after politics. Listen in for what will be a fascinating conversation with someone who has shaped debate on many national and local issues over a long period of time. 

Read more about Janet Rice and her career on her Wikipedia page. Read her blog about her bike ride home here.

Join Tim, Peter and Janet Rice on EarthChat on Tuesday 6th August at midday on 103.9 FM.

The show will be repeated on 103.9 SeymourFM at 8am on Saturday. Click here for Seymour FM's website.  Can't catch the radio broadcast? It's already on Spotify, Apple Podcasts,  Podbean and the BEAM website. We make it easy to Earth-Chat!


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