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EARTHCHAT: Violet Coco the Activist

On Earth Chat this week, we have a very special guest, Violet Coco. You may have heard of her, as Violet is a passionate environment and social justice activist. She has been arrested 49 times in 6 years as a non-violent, direct action, change maker. She recently spent two months in prison and is facing court again on February 7th.

She was the first person sentenced under controversial new anti-protest laws in NSW, receiving a sentence of 18 months in prison for blocking the Sydney Harbour Bridge under a banner "Fireproof Australia", a campaign supporting firefighters. Her sentence was dropped on appeal.

Violet describes herself as a conscientious objector to the murder of our planet. She has been a part of organising major disruptive festivals of civil disobedience with Extinction Rebellion, supported First Nations and the decolonization of so called ‘Australia’, while also advocating for world peace, justice for women, refugees, and queer communities.

On this week's EarthChat, Tim Budge talks with Violet about her activism, her passion for the planet and her commitment to social justice. We will also discuss "what makes her tick", her understanding of the role of civil disobedience and why we all need to take action to prevent the "murder of our planet".

It will be a fascinating and powerful conversation, so join us, EarthChat on 103.9 FM on Tuesday Jan 21st at midday. Want to read more about Violet, click here, here and here.

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