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EARTHCHAT: Wallan Wallan Wetlands regional park

Updated: Jan 8, 2023

A big vision with many benefits at Wallan…a Wallan Wallan Wetlands regional park.

Wallan is the fast growing end of Mitchell Shire. With this growth comes pressure for quality of life in a new suburbia, and pressures on the natural or grown environment.

Rob Eldridge is a Mitchell Shire Councillor, and also a Wallan resident over many years and Rob joins us on EarthChat this morning to explore a visionary restoration project… a Regional Wetlands Park that links a number of swamps pressured with housing development, into a system that enhances a habitat for nature and recreation, and flood and climate mitigation. This includes the Herne Swamp that you can see out of the train window south of Wallan Station.

This park would include the restoration of the Wallan Wallan and Beverage wetlands forming part of the Merri Creek catchment. It would encompass the volcanic cones of Mt Fraser and Spring Hill, with links to the recreational precinct of Green Hill on the south edge of Wallan. The western boundary is the ridge of the Old Sydney Road with its high ecological and aesthetic significance.

It’s a big area, with some long lasting benefits at many levels. Environment squares off with housing development…can both come out of this with health?

Rob Eldridge joins Peter Lockyer on EarthChat Friday 6 Jan at 10am. This is the EarthChat for ’23 launch, and is a conversation to inspire you all. Listen up, big ears…

Herne Swamp after heavy rain, Mt Fraser in background. Sept 2016. Photo by Rob Eldridge

Tune in to BEAM's radio program EarthChat each Friday on Seymour FM at 10am.

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