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Gliders in Seymour: a message from Seymour College’s students

Our Landcare project “Biolink corridors for Gliders in Seymour” concluded

on the first weekend of December. Here’s a message from the students that have

been involved in the project by building the nest boxes:

Seymour College’s Vocational Major students were approached by Seymour Urban

Landcare to construct nesting boxes to help improve the Squirrel Glider population,

as they are listed as endangered in our area. 

Students helped plan the project by organising the parts, cutting and creating zero

waste of materials. The plywood was donated by Bunnings, due to the nature of the

project. Each nesting box consisted of four sides, a removable base and a thick

hinged lid that provides thermal insulation, all of which are weather resistant. The next stage was to waterproof and paint a camouflage design on each part, bringing

all the pieces together to assemble them.

On Friday the 1st of December 2023 Travis and Elise Davies from Underline Tree Clearing, with the assistance of Luke Sefton, very generously volunteered their time to assist the VM students in installing the nesting boxes at Whiteheads Creek in Seymour (on Goulburn Valley Water’s pump sites and private land). The boxes will be tracked and monitored by both VM students and Seymour Urban Landcare to see if they are being used.

VM students really enjoyed this project from being directly contacted by outside group, to planning and constructing and then organising the installation. 

Lisa Macheras, Year 12 VCE - VM Program Manager

Next year we will keep collaborating with Seymour College and hopefully expand to

St Mary’s College, where we already have a great connection with one of their

Science Teachers.

Many thanks to all those that came along to our events and to our project partners

for their support all along the way.

This project is funded by the Victorian Government through the Environmental

Volunteering New Growth Project, and is a partnership between Hughes Creek Catchment Collaborative Landcare, Biolinks Alliance, and BEAM Mitchell Environment Group.

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