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EARTHCHAT: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Updated: Sep 9, 2022

Ruth’s guest is Grace Davis-Williams who is the Regional Waste and Resource recovery Education Officer for the Mitchell, Murrindindi, and Strathbogie Shires.

Grace will fill us in about the current series of Rethink Recycling in-person workshops, from Violet Town to Beveridge, including online events, and many other plans to help us reduce, reuse, and recycle.

As consumers, we're still a pretty wasteful lot. Consider how many times you’ve bought more than you need, then tossed half of it in your rubbish bin.

Now imagine everyone else doing this, in households across Australia. That's an awful lot of garbage that goes into landfill and, from there, contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. And that's not to mention the rubbish that ends up in our waterways and oceans, where it does untold harm to our marine life.

We can all help address this problem by adopting the mantra: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. With a little more thought, we can change our habits so that we throw out less garbage. It's as easy as developing a few new practices - when shopping and in the kitchen - and very soon it becomes second nature. And Mother Nature will thank us for it.

Lachie Thomas, the Environment & Vineyard Research Analyst at Tahbilk Winery also joins us later in the program to tell us about the exciting new Environment and Community Festival which Tahbilk is holding this Saturday from 10.00 - 4.00 at the Winery.

Don’t miss the Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony on the dot of 10.00, and then enjoy the rest of the day's Activities and Workshops.

  • Live music all day

  • Free wetlands boat cruises

  • Free snake and reptile demonstrations

  • Free kids environmental activities

  • Food and market stalls from local producers

  • Workshops throughout the day

Go to their website to choose which workshops you want to attend, and make sure you book your seat so you don’t miss out.

Tune in to BEAM's radio program EarthChat each Friday on Seymour FM at 10am or to the repeat on Saturday at 8am.

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Our vision: a thriving community that is locally active for a healthy environment.

BEAM Mitchell Environment Group Inc.

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