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EARTHCHAT: Taking action on climate change

30 Dec 2022 (repeat of 28 Jan 2022):

Ruth’s guests Dr. Kate Auty and Georgia Webster discuss how we stay aware, awake, and active during this decade to ensure we affectively cut emissions by 2030. We'll highlight many ways we can make positive impacts to alleviate the climate crisis. Everyone’s contribution counts!

Life is busy, and we have much to deal with right now, especially with the pandemic continuing its impact on our daily lives - a constant distraction from the climate crisis alert in August 2021 by the United Nation’s IPCC report, urgently calling on all humans to proactively attend to what has now become a global emergency.

Most people are concerned about climate change but don’t commonly talk about it with people they know, this is referred to as “climate silence”. Climate Silence occurs for many reasons. People may think climate change is too politically divisive or that they don’t know enough about the issue. They may think that climate change is too overwhelming, distant, frightening, or uncomfortable to talk about. And many people may not realise that simply talking about climate change can be an important step toward addressing the problem.

We need to feel we’re not contributing to this serious problem. We need to know we are part of ongoing solutions, and we’re doing our bit!

Kate, Georgia, and Ruth will talk about ways we can do just that, and how we can stay connected to others who are also taking part in reducing emissions. We’ll talk about ways to keep informed with the latest information so we can be part of an active community intelligently caring for the planet, and each other. We’ll alert you to local initiatives that are making a difference to our communities already and how we can build upon these to support and strengthen our region.

“If not us, then who? If not now, then when?”

(Hillel the Elder, 1st Century AD)

About Kate and Georgia:

Kate is the chair of the Victorian EPA Governing Board, and on the editorial board of the Urban Climate Change Research Network (where Columbia University is the lead agent). She continues as a Professorial Fellow at the University of Melbourne. Dr Kate Auty’s legal training has seen her working across the country tackling challenging subjects. Now based in Euroa, her days are filled with driving community sustainability initiatives, and mentoring the next generation of leaders.

Georgia joined the BEAM Mitchell Enviro Group committee in 2021. She and her partner have a small farm in the Tallarook ranges, and they split their time between there and work commitments in Melbourne. Georgia has worked and volunteered in community media in Melbourne and also worked in federal parliament as a political campaigner and adviser. She now works in climate movement campaigns, and is the parent of a busy 4 year old.

Photo by: Markus Spiske

Tune in to BEAM's radio program EarthChat each Friday on Seymour FM at 10am.

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